Silica-Alumina Microsphere
Silica-alumina microsphere are generated at coal combustion in the power plants boilers as a result of granulation of molten mineral matter of coal together with blowing of the fine drops atomized by inner gases. Through the system the hydraulic residue as a part of ash-and-slag sludge enters into the ash disposal area where it drifts onto the water surface as foam layer of thickness from few centimeters to several tens of centimeters. It is used as the additives in the grouting mortars for oil and gas well drilling and as the fillers of the composite materials on the bases of plastic materials as well as in many other areas.
LLC EKO-Zoloproduct sells aluminosilicate microspheres of Open JSC «MOSENERGO», Troitskaya GRES, and Serovskaya GRES.
The products conform to specifications TU 5712-002-84800065-2009 «Aluminosilicate microspheres». Certificate of conformity.
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8, 2nd Roschinskiy proezd, Moscow, 115419, Russia