Office 601, bld.7, h.8, 2nd Roschinskiy proezd, Moscow, 115419, Russia. View adress on google maps
Phone/Fax : +7 (499) 707-11-40
Regional network
1, Promishlennaya st., Novomichurinsk, 391160, Ryzanskaya oblast (region) Operations Sales of fly ash and ash and slag mixture |
Donskoy village, Novocherkassk, 346448, Rostovskaya oblast (region) Operations Sales of fly ash and ash and slag mixture |
Troitsk-5, 456100, Chelyabinskaya oblast (region) Operations Gathering and processing of aluminosilicate microsphere |
1, Promishlennaya st., Novomichurinsk, 391160, Ryzanskaya oblast (region) Operations Sales of slag mixture and aluminosilicate microsphere |
© 2024 LLC «ECO-Zoloprodukt» зола, сухая зола
8, 2nd Roschinskiy proezd, Moscow, 115419, Russia